Supposedly, the old Utena Jewish cemetery, located in the end of the Stotis str., was established in the 16th century when first Jews settled down there.
However, the cemetery was completely destroyed. Buildings for industrial association were constructed in the area of the cemetery. Tombstones were used as a building material. Only one hillock of the cemetery remained. A few tombstones were brought there and a memorial board was built(1).
Manoma, kad senosios kapinės, esančios dabartinės Stoties g. gale (prie kelio Vilnius – Utena) buvo įkurtos čia apsigyvenus pirmiesiems žydams, t. y. XVI a. Statant Utenos miesto gamybinio susivienijimo bazės pastatus, jos buvo visiškai sunaikintos, maceivos naudotos minėtųjų pastatų statybose. Buvusių kapinių vietoje teišliko viena kalvelė, kurioje pastatyta paminklinė lenta, sudėta keletas maceivų(1).
More info/daugiau informacijos:
1) http://www.zydai.lt/lt/content/viewitem/733/