
We love organising meet-ups between our members and general public. Please find  forthcoming events below:

Past Events

The documentation of Seirijai Jewish cemetery which was initiated last year by NGO Litvak Cemetery Catalogue „Maceva“ is practically completed.


This year the annual International Summer Camp is being held in Seirijai. The goal is to clean and document the Old Seirijai Jewish cemetery. Between 12-14 volunteers will visit Lithuania from Germany and possibly other countries.


This summer in August, a two-week international camp is being organised in Švenčionys. Our goal is to clean the old Jewish Švenčionys cemetery, remove trash, document gravestones and discover what we are able about Švenčionys Jewish history. We will be teaching our volunteers about Litvak culture, history and Jewish burial traditions in general.


On Thursday, June 2, we visited Linkmenys Jewish cemetery. This initiative was led by teacher Diana Žvirblienė, who has expressed her interest in contributing towards Lithuania’s Jewish cultural history.